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I'm back! 我回來了!

It's been almost 4 years since my last blog... What's really happening to me? I would say, mostly due to my paid job. And was bugged by a lot of little things. Critically, I was caught up with my recurring minor depression. Something that I wasn't aware of when it first happened. Maybe I was too naive, maybe I wasn't mentally prepared with the world. I would say, these few years of working really exhausted, I mean mentally. I was probably having what commonly known as identity crisis. I was in the dilemma of whether to continue on what I believe or to follow other people's footsteps. I'm living in an environment where people judge you base on your financial achievement. And then, there was a family dispute on my grandma's property. I started to feel hopeless with the society and even worse, I couldn't enjoy music anymore due to the stress that I must achieve something on this field... Thankfully, it was just a brief period of time for self-do
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想了很久,到底要用中文还是英文来写这文章... 最后选择中文最主要原因是这节目就是推广我们华人音乐的节目。再来小弟的英文能力也有限,想到要描述的内容就有点头疼,所以还是选择了中文来推广这节目。  《中国好歌曲第一季》 《中国好歌曲第二季》 这节目有别于以往的一些选秀或歌唱节目。比赛的焦点不再是演唱者本身,而是歌曲!原创歌曲! 四位评审将会以歌曲的完整性和可塑性(可能还包含评审们各自的喜好)来选择进入各自战队的唱作人。 说到这,会不会有点熟悉呢? 《中国好声音第一季》 是的!当我第一次看见他们选择学员时,第一感觉:“又来抄袭了” 《中国好声音》导师们是背对着学员,按了钮才会转过来面向学员;《中国好歌曲》导师们面向歌手,但椅子前就挡着一面附有歌词的移动墙,一旦按了钮,面前的墙也会往下移动,以便导师可以看得见选手的演唱。 起初对这节目也没太大的期待,毕竟同时段的《我是歌手》可是星光熠熠,比起这以素人演唱不熟悉的歌曲,卡斯真的有差距。 但过了几位选手后,我对这节目有完全不同的想法。这些素人的歌一点都不俗!若有高人的编排,感觉就会迅速火起来!而且这些唱作人的唱功还真的不差!再配合歌曲背后的故事,我还真的有好几次被感动得落泪... 可能我也是玩音乐的人,能感受到他们的处境... 一向来传统的歌唱节目都是在帮歌手们增加知名度,鲜少有节目会提到这些幕后的词曲创作人。顿然间我对这节目充满敬意。这些唱作人里,有不少是在乐坛里徘徊了很长的一段时间,他们的精神好似在告诉我也千万别放弃... 好像有点离题了:P 话说4位评审将会各自选出16唱作人,然后再从那16人内选出8首进行编曲进入下一圈。而这八首也正式被放入各导师的原创专辑。 在这一圈内,将会联合媒体及dj的投票权,选出最后两首(各个导师各两首)进入决赛,而这两首也自然会变成专辑的第一主打及第二主打! 在最终合,唱作人们将会与歌手/导师合唱各自的歌。这回将会是完全依靠传媒dj的投票,胜出者的歌将会被灌为“年度之歌”。 影响力 据说这节目在中国的反应还不错,可能是因为新鲜感吧。 但在马来西亚,这节目似乎没有得到太大的反应,至少在这节目里出现过的歌曲,在节目落幕了好几个月里都没有听到该有的传唱... 是节目失败了吗...?

King of Mask Singer = The Voice + I am a singer + Hidden singer

So the name of the show basically explain almost everything about the concept behind the show. King Of Mask Singer "Mystery music show", that's how the mc Kim Sung-Joo always introduce the show. Each generation (2 episodes per generation) will have 8 invited contestants to compete for the title of "King of Mask Singer". And yes, they are all given with a special mask to cover their identity. So how are they going to compete? Elimination. 8 contestants will be divided into 4 pairs, each pair will compete by presenting a duet performance. So how are we going to determine the winner on the duet performance? Instant live audience (total of 88 votes) and celebrity judges (total of 11 votes). The winner will proceed to next round and the losing contestant will have to remove his/her mask. Starting from 3rd generation (5th & 6th episode), even after losing for the 1st round, they will sing their 2nd round song while revealing t

S.Korea, the new trend of music show program?

Back to 10 years ago, whenever we talk about music audition TV program, we will link it to American audition program, namely the American Idol. Even in Malaysia, we were all so excited with the theme and size of this competition (may be America is the center of Pop music). The funny 1st round moments, the cruel comments from Simon, and of course the brilliant unexpected vocal from the contestants. The most memorable winners for me were Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. American Idol is like a shortcut for all the passionate musicians who without opportunity. Winning it is not easy but enough exposure may earn you a contract from music label. How great was this show? Well, many producers from different country were inspired by the theme, either buy the copyrights or create an entire new music audition program with similar concept and themes. Example like One Million Star (超级星光大道) and Super Idol (超级偶像) from Taiwan. All of the sudden, music audition program has b

Hello there mélomane!

Hi there bloggers! I'm new here. My blog will be mostly related with musics. Each weeks I will be introducing a singer, album and a couple of songs. My intention is to share great songs and introduce great (may be unknown to many) musician to all the music lovers. Please feel free to comment, introduce songs or singers. I will try to listen all and make some simple comments base on my feeling toward the song that you have recommended. No, I'm not a professional musician but I love to listen to different genre of musics. Hence if you have any great Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese or Japanese songs to recommend, I will listen to it as well. And... thanks for reading ;)